General information about company

Name of The CompanySuraj Estate Developers Limited
BSE Scrip Code544054
MSE SymbolNA
Date of Start of Financial Year01-04-2024
Date of End of Financial Year31-03-2025
Reporting PeriodFirst half yearly
Date of Start of Reporting Period01-04-2024
Date of End of Reporting Period30-09-2024
Level of rounding to be used in disclosing related party transactionsMillions
Whether the company has any related party?Yes
Whether the company has entered into any Related Party transaction during the selected half year for which it wants to submit disclosure?Yes

(I) We declare that the acceptance of fixed deposits by the bans/Non-Banking Finance Company are at the terms uniformly applicable/offered to all shareholders/publicNA
(II) We declare that the scheduled commercial bank, as per RBI circular RBI/DBR/2015-16/19 dated March 03, 2016, has allowed additional interest of one per cent per annum, over and above the rate of interest mentioned in the schedule of interest rates on savings or a term deposits of bank’s staff and their exclusive associations as well as on deposits of Chairman, Chairman & Managing Director, Executive Director or such other Executives appointed for a fixed tenure.NA
(III) Whether the company is a ‘high value debt listed entity’ according to regulation 15 (1A)?No
(a) If answer to above question is Yes, whether complying with proviso to regulation 23 (9), i.e., submitting RPT disclosures on the day of results publication?
(b) If answer to above question is No, please explain the reason for not complying.
Whether the updated Related Party Transactions (RPT) Policy (in compliance with Reg. 23 of SEBI LODR) has been uploaded on the website of the Company?Yes
Latest Date on which RPT policy is updated19-01-2022
Indicate Company website link for updated RPT policy of the

Related party transactions

Additional disclosure of related party transactions - applicable only in case the related party transaction relates to loans, inter-corporate deposits, advances or investments made or given by the listed entity/subsidiary. These details need to be disclosed only once, during the reporting period when such transaction was undertaken.
Sr No.Details of the party (listed entity /subsidiary) entering into the transactionDetails of the counterpartyType of related party transactionDetails of other related party transactionValue of the related party transaction as approved by the audit committeeRemarks on approval by audit committeeValue of transaction during the reporting periodIn case monies are due to either party as a result of the transactionIn case any financial indebtedness is incurred to make or give loans, inter-corporate deposits, advances or investmentsDetails of the loans, inter-corporate deposits, advances or investmentsNotes
NamePANNamePANRelationship of the counterparty with the listed entity or its subsidiaryOpening balanceClosing balanceNature of indebtedness (loan/ issuance of debt/ any other etc.)Details of other indebtednessCostTenureNature (loan/ advance/ intercorporate deposit/ investment )Interest Rate (%)TenureSecured/ unsecuredPurpose for which the funds will be utilised by the ultimate recipient of funds (endusage)
1Suraj Estate Developers Limited AAACS8375HAccord Estate Pvt LtdAAACA5100GWholly Owned SubsidiaryLoan1000NA-56.621415.531559.32Loan0.123Unsecured Towards working capital Textual Information(1)
2Suraj Estate Developers Limited AAACS8375HAccord Estate Pvt LtdAAACA5100GWholly Owned SubsidiaryInterest receivedNA87.171415.531559.32Loan0.123Unsecured Towards working capital Textual Information(2)
3Suraj Estate Developers Limited AAACS8375HIconic Property Developers Private LimitedAACCI5484MWholly Owned SubsidiaryLoan1000NA-427.811016.411522.22Loan0.123Unsecured Towards working capital Textual Information(3)
4Suraj Estate Developers Limited AAACS8375HIconic Property Developers Private LimitedAACCI5484MWholly Owned SubsidiaryInterest received1000NA78.011016.411522.22Loan0.123Unsecured Towards working capital Textual Information(4)
5Suraj Estate Developers Limited AAACS8375HAccord Estate Pvt LtdAAACA5100GWholly Owned SubsidiaryInvestment0NA0193.53193.53Investment 03Unsecured Investment in Shares Textual Information(5)
6Suraj Estate Developers Limited AAACS8375HIconic Property Developers Private LimitedAACCI5484MWholly Owned SubsidiaryInvestment0NA050.4550.45Investment 00Unsecured Investment in Shares Textual Information(6)
7Suraj Estate Developers Limited AAACS8375HSkyline Realty Pvt LtdAAMCS9897GWholly Owned SubsidiaryInvestment0NA00.10.1Investment 00Unsecured Investment in Shares Textual Information(7)
8Suraj Estate Developers Limited AAACS8375HUditi Premises Private LimitedAAACU8309HWholly Owned SubsidiaryInvestment0NA07.617.61Investment 00Unsecured Investment in Shares Textual Information(8)
9Suraj Estate Developers Limited AAACS8375HUditi Premises Private LimitedAAACU8309HWholly Owned SubsidiaryAny other transactionLoan & Advances taken / (Returned)-Net500NA-6.5289.9789.93Advance0.123Unsecured Towards working capital Textual Information(9)
10Suraj Estate Developers Limited AAACS8375HUditi Premises Private LimitedAAACU8309HWholly Owned SubsidiaryAny other transactionInterest ExpenseNA6.4889.9789.93Advance0.123Unsecured Towards working capital Textual Information(10)
11Suraj Estate Developers Limited AAACS8375HSkyline Realty Pvt LtdAAMCS9897GWholly Owned SubsidiaryAny other transactionLoan & Advances taken / (Returned)-Net250NA-9.6980.4575.4Advance0.123Unsecured Towards working capital Textual Information(11)
12Suraj Estate Developers Limited AAACS8375HSkyline Realty Pvt LtdAAMCS9897GWholly Owned SubsidiaryAny other transactionInterest ExpenseNA4.6580.4575.4Advance0.123Unsecured Towards working capital Textual Information(12)
13Suraj Estate Developers Limited AAACS8375HThomas Rajan AABPT3128PManaging DirectorAny other transactionLoan & Advances taken / (Returned)-Net100NA-35.1362.8929.99Advance0.123Unsecured Towards working capital Textual Information(13)
14Suraj Estate Developers Limited AAACS8375HThomas Rajan AABPT3128PManaging DirectorAny other transactionInterest ExpenseNA2.2362.8929.99Advance0.123Unsecured Towards working capital Textual Information(14)
15Suraj Estate Developers Limited AAACS8375HSujatha Thomas ACIPT0013GNon Executive Director Any other transactionLoan & Advances taken / (Returned)-NetNA8.2809.02Advance0.123Unsecured Towards working capital Textual Information(15)
16Suraj Estate Developers Limited AAACS8375HSujatha Thomas ACIPT0013GNon Executive Director Any other transactionInterest ExpenseNA0.7409.02Advance0.123Unsecured Towards working capital Textual Information(16)
17Suraj Estate Developers Limited AAACS8375HSujatha Thomas ACIPT0013GNon Executive Director Any other transactionDirectors RemunerationNA0.900Textual Information(17)
18Suraj Estate Developers Limited AAACS8375HRahul ThomasAEIPT7395FWhole Time Director Any other transactionSalary NA10.470.4-8.59Textual Information(18)
19Suraj Estate Developers Limited AAACS8375HThomas Rajan AABPT3128PManaging DirectorAny other transactionSalary NA10.950.776.89Textual Information(19)
20Suraj Estate Developers Limited AAACS8375HShivil KapoorCQPPK0567BKMPAny other transactionSalary NA1.250.150.19Textual Information(20)
21Suraj Estate Developers Limited AAACS8375HShreepal ShahBDFPS8177MKMPAny other transactionSalary NA2.250.50.28Textual Information(21)
22Suraj Estate Developers Limited AAACS8375HThomas Rajan AABPT3128PManaging DirectorAny other transactionCar Hiring Charges NA0.4200.42Textual Information(22)
23Suraj Estate Developers Limited AAACS8375HDr Satyendra NayakACQPN3819GIndependent Director Any other transactionDirectors RemunerationNA0.900Textual Information(23)
24Suraj Estate Developers Limited AAACS8375HSunil pantAAOPP7061QIndependent Director Any other transactionDirectors RemunerationNA0.900Textual Information(24)
25Suraj Estate Developers Limited AAACS8375HMrutyunjay MahapatraAAGPM5870QIndependent Director Any other transactionDirectors RemunerationNA0.900Textual Information(25)
26Suraj Estate Developers Limited AAACS8375HNew Siddharth EnterprisesAAJFN4545NPartner Any other transactionFixed CapitalNA01.211.21Investment 03Unsecured Fixed Capital InvestmentTextual Information(26)
27Suraj Estate Developers Limited AAACS8375HS R Enterprises AAOFS7223DPartner Any other transactionFixed CapitalNA02.982.98Investment 03Unsecured Fixed Capital InvestmentTextual Information(27)
28Suraj Estate Developers Limited AAACS8375HMulani & Bhagat AssociatesAAHFM5426HPartner Any other transactionFixed CapitalNA00.050.05Investment 03Unsecured Fixed Capital InvestmentTextual Information(28)
29Suraj Estate Developers Limited AAACS8375HNew Siddharth EnterprisesAAJFN4545NPartner Any other transactionNet Current capital introduced / (Withdrawn)NA-33.65-247.58-281.23Textual Information(29)
30Suraj Estate Developers Limited AAACS8375HS R Enterprises AAOFS7223DPartner Any other transactionNet Current capital introduced / (Withdrawn)NA3.0677.2580.31Textual Information(30)
31Suraj Estate Developers Limited AAACS8375HMulani & Bhagat AssociatesAAHFM5426HPartner Any other transactionNet Current capital introduced / (Withdrawn)NA024.4424.44Textual Information(31)
32Suraj Estate Developers Limited AAACS8375HNew Siddharth EnterprisesAAJFN4545NPartner Any other transactionShare of profit/ (loss) of partnership firmNA0.29-247.58-281.23Textual Information(32)
33Suraj Estate Developers Limited AAACS8375HS R Enterprises AAOFS7223DPartner Any other transactionShare of profit/ (loss) of partnership firmNA-0.2477.2580.31Textual Information(33)
34Suraj Estate Developers Limited AAACS8375HMulani & Bhagat AssociatesAAHFM5426HPartner Any other transactionShare of profit/ (loss) of partnership firmNA0.0124.4424.44Textual Information(34)
35Accord Estate Pvt LtdAAACA5100GSkyline Realty Private Limited AAMCS9897GSubsidiaryAny other transactionLoan & Advances taken / (Returned)-NetNA2.4502.45Textual Information(35)
36Accord Estate Pvt LtdAAACA5100GSR EnterprisesAAOFS7223DSubsidiaryAny other transactionLoan & Advances taken / (Returned)-NetNA0.8500.85Textual Information(36)
37Accord Estate Pvt LtdAAACA5100GNew Siddharth EnterpriseAAJFN4545NSubsidiaryAny other transactionLoan & Advances taken / (Returned)-NetNA5.9805.98Textual Information(37)
38Accord Estate Pvt LtdAAACA5100GRahul ThomasAEIPT7395FWhole Time Director Any other transactionLoan & Advances taken / (Returned)-NetNA-9.389.20Textual Information(38)
39Accord Estate Pvt LtdAAACA5100GIconic Property Developers Private LimitedAACCI5484MSubsidiaryAny other transactionLoan & Advances taken / (Returned)-NetNA0.3300.33Textual Information(39)
40Accord Estate Pvt LtdAAACA5100GUditi Premises Private LimitedAAACU8309HSubsidiaryInvestmentNA082.182.1Investment 00Unsecured Investment in Shares Textual Information(40)
41Accord Estate Pvt LtdAAACA5100GRahul ThomasAEIPT7395FWhole Time Director Any other transactionCar Hiring Charges NA0.450.620.45Textual Information(41)
42Accord Estate Pvt LtdAAACA5100GRahul ThomasAEIPT7395FWhole Time Director Any other transactionTrade Receivable NA05.875.87Textual Information(42)
43Accord Estate Pvt LtdAAACA5100GRajan Thomas AABPT3128PManaging DirectorAny other transactionTrade Receivable NA0.350.350.35Textual Information(43)
44Skyline Realty Pvt LtdAAMCS9897GNew siddharth EnterprisesAAJFN4545NSubsidiaryAny other transactionLoan & Advances taken / (Returned)-NetNA0.8500.85Textual Information(44)
45Skyline Realty Pvt LtdAAMCS9897GS R Enterprises AAOFS7223DSubsidiaryAny other transactionLoan & Advances taken / (Returned)-NetNA-1.9601.96Textual Information(45)
46Skyline Realty Pvt LtdAAMCS9897GIconic Property Developers Private LimitedAACCI5484MSubsidiaryAny other transactionLoan & Advances taken / (Returned)-NetNA-18.82018.82Textual Information(46)
47Skyline Realty Pvt LtdAAMCS9897GUditi Premises Private LimitedAAACU8309HSubsidiaryAny other transactionLoan & Advances taken / (Returned)-NetNA-4.6404.64Textual Information(47)
48Skyline Realty Pvt LtdAAMCS9897GRajan Thomas AABPT3128PManaging DirectorAny other transactionLoan & Advances taken / (Returned)-NetNA-2.202.2Textual Information(48)
49Skyline Realty Pvt LtdAAMCS9897GSujatha Thomas ACIPT0013GClose family member of personAny other transactionLoan & Advances taken / (Returned)-NetNA-0.0900.09Textual Information(49)
50Uditi Premises Private LimitedAAACU8309HNew Siddharth EnterprisesAAJFN4545NSubsidiaryAny other transactionLoan & Advances taken / (Returned)-NetNA0.1300.13Textual Information(50)
51New Siddharth EnterprisesAAJFN4545NSujatha Thomas ACIPT0013GClose family member of personAny other transactionLoan & Advances taken / (Returned)-NetNA-2.5302.53Textual Information(51)
52New Siddharth EnterprisesAAJFN4545NIconic Property Developers Private LimitedAACCI5484MSubsidiaryAny other transactionLoan & Advances taken / (Returned)-NetNA0.8200.82Textual Information(52)
53Suraj Estate Developers Limited AAACS8375HNew Siddharth EnterprisesAAJFN4545NPartner Any other transactionInterest ExpenseNA16.01-247.58-281.23Textual Information(53)
Total value of transaction during the reporting period-361.2